Here at Animal Admiration we truly love all animals. And we are especially passionate about wild birds. Even though they are around us every day, they can seem to get forgotten or taken for granted. However, wild birds are extremely important in our world.
Not only do they provide the soul-filling sounds of dawn breaking and seasons changing; they also help keep mother nature’s systems in balance. They pollinate plants, disperse seeds, recycle nutrients back to the earth and help decomposition by scavenging carcasses. These essential errands are taken care of daily of by our wild birds. And all while relax, admiring their adorable bobbing heads, their hopping feet and their fluttering wings. Pretty impressive, huh?
Do birds needs to be fed by humans?
Most birds don’t need us to feed them. But it is fun to feed them and watch them enjoy our yards. However, all fun aside, it very important not to feed them if it’ll put them in danger or hurt them. They need the most amount of seed during the winter and early spring months. This is when seeds are more scarce and they need more energy for migration. While it is wonderful to set up bird feeders in your yard, make sure to follow these guidelines from Audubon about the proper way to feed wild birds without spreading disease.
Why are there different levels of bird feeders?
Most birds feed at more than one level, but some species have preferences. In general this is the breakdown of bird feeder levels for each type of bird:
- Ground level: mourning doves, sparrows, towhees, and juncos.
- Table level: cardinals, finches, and jays.
- Hanging feeders: titmice, goldfinches, and chickadees.
- Tree trunks: woodpeckers, nuthatches, and wrens.
Looking for a craft with the kids? Check out this fun little bird feeder we made!
We loosely followed this awesome picture tutorial from The Resourceful Mama.
- Peanut Butter
- Quality Bird Seed
- Toilet Paper Roll
- String or Twine
- Two Sticks about 6-8” long
- Smear the roll with peanut butter
- Roll in the bird seed
- Add sticks or just string through the hole of the roll to finish it up
- Hang in a tree and let the birds enjoy!
If you’re looking for quality bird feeders, seeds and all things wild birds, make sure to visit Wild Birds Unlimited. They have great resources for bird lovers, watchers, as well as the best products you can buy. They can help you decided what items and feed you need to set up your own bird-filled backyard.
What are your favorite birds? Do you have feeders in your yard? If so, let us know!
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